Write Only atoms

With the help of write-only atoms, you can modify the atoms it relies on. It's basically a two-way data binding, changing the derived atom also changes the parent atom and vice-versa, so use these atoms very carefully.

const textAtom = atom('write only atoms') const uppercase = atom(null, (get, set) => { set(textAtom, get(textAtom).toUpperCase()) })

The first value of the callback is always be null. The second value is the function that modifies the atom value.

Let's take a more practical use case of write-only atoms.

Here we define a dotsAtom, which is an atom of positions of points that we draw on the canvas, and a drawingAtom, which is a boolean atom.

const dotsAtom = atom([]); // true when we're drawing on the canvas const drawingAtom = atom(false);

The handleMouseDownAtom and handleMouseUpAtom are two write-only atoms that we use to set the value of drawingAtom. The handleMouseMoveAtom is a write-only atom which adds the position of new points to the dotsArray atom when we are drawing on the canvas.

const handleMouseMoveAtom = atom( null, (get, set, update: Point) => { if (get(drawingAtom)) { set(dotsAtom, (prev) => [...prev, update]); } } );

Note: You must be thinking, "Why are we not updating the atoms value directly? Why use a write-only atom to update its value?".

Well, updating the value using the write-only atoms prevents extra rerenders in our app.

import { atom, useAtom } from "jotai";

const dotsAtom = atom([]);

const drawingAtom = atom(false);

const handleMouseDownAtom = atom(
  (get, set) => {
    set(drawingAtom, true);

const handleMouseUpAtom = atom(null, (get, set) => {
  set(drawingAtom, false);

const handleMouseMoveAtom = atom(
  (get, set, update: Point) => {
    if (get(drawingAtom)) {
      set(dotsAtom, (prev) => [...prev, update]);

const SvgDots = () => {
  const [dots] = useAtom(dotsAtom);
  return (
      {dots.map(([x, y], index) => (
        <circle cx={x} cy={y} r="2" fill="#aaa" key={index} />

const SvgRoot = () => {
  const [, handleMouseUp] = useAtom(
  const [, handleMouseDown] = useAtom(
  const [, handleMouseMove] = useAtom(
  return (
      viewBox="0 0 100vw 100vh"
      onMouseMove={(e) => {
        handleMouseMove([e.clientX, e.clientY]);
      <rect width="100vw" height="100vh" fill="#eee" />
      <SvgDots />

const App = () => (
    <SvgRoot />

export default App;

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