Async Read Atoms

Using async atoms, you gain access to real-world data while still managing them directly from your atoms and with incredible ease.

We separate async atoms in two main categories: • Async read atoms • Async write atoms

Let's first examine async read atoms. The read function of an atom can return a Promise.

const counter = atom(0); const asyncAtom = atom(async (get) => get(counter) * 5);

Jotai inherently leverages Suspense to handle asynchronous flows.

<Suspense fallback={<span>loading...</span>}> <AsyncComponent /> </Suspense>

But there is a more Jotai-esque way of doing this using the loadable API present in jotai/utils. By simply wrapping the atom in the loadable util, it returns the value with one of the three states: loading, hasData, and hasError.

{ state: 'loading' | 'hasData' | 'hasError', data?: any, error?: any, }
import { loadable } from "jotai/utils" const countAtom = atom(0); const asyncAtom = atom(async (get) => get(countAtom)); const loadableAtom = loadable(asyncAtom) const AsyncComponent = () => { const [value] = useAtom(loadableAtom) if (value.state === 'hasError') return <div>{value.error}</div> if (value.state === 'loading') { return <div>Loading...</div> } return <div>Value: {}</div>
import { atom, useAtom } from 'jotai';
import { Suspense } from 'react'

const counter = atom(1);
const asyncAtom = atom(async (get) => get(counter) * 5);

function AsyncComponent() {
  const [asyncCount] = useAtom(asyncAtom);
  return (
    <div className="app">

export default function Page() {
   return (
    <Suspense fallback={<span>loading...</span>}>
      <AsyncComponent />

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