Readonly atoms are used to read the value of the other atoms. You can't set or change their value directly because these atoms rely on their parent atoms.
const textAtom = atom('readonly'); const uppercase = atom((get) => get(textAtom).toUpperCase());
These atoms takes a callback with a parameter get
which allows us to read other atoms value. Changing the parent's value will also update the derived atom.
const firstName = atom('John'); const lastName = atom('Harris'); const fullName = atom((get) => get(firstName) + " " + get(lastName));
You can do more than just simply read the value of other atoms. You can also filter
, sort
, or map
over the values of the parent atom. And this is the beauty of it: Jotai gracefully lets you create dumb atoms derivated from even dumber atoms.
Here is a example of getting the list of all online and offline friends.
const friendsStatus = atom([ { name: "John", online: true }, { name: "David", online: false }, { name: "Micheal", online: true } ]); const onlineFriends = atom((get) => get(friendsStatus).filter((item) =>; const offlineFriends = atom((get) => get(friendsStatus).filter((item) => !;